En studie till som inte egentligen visar något...
Hej! Häromdagen kom det ut en rapport från en studie av Lunds Universitet. Där det skriver att de hittat samband mellan tatuering och lymfom (Lymfkörtelcancer) Ni kan läsa hela rapporten här och...
En studie till som inte egentligen visar något...
Hej! Häromdagen kom det ut en rapport från en studie av Lunds Universitet. Där det skriver att de hittat samband mellan tatuering och lymfom (Lymfkörtelcancer) Ni kan läsa hela rapporten här och...
The sourpuss reports
Then the summer was over with notice. Rain and debris... Back to the reality... It's the first summer I've actually had more than a week of continuous vacation. As nice...
The sourpuss reports
Then the summer was over with notice. Rain and debris... Back to the reality... It's the first summer I've actually had more than a week of continuous vacation. As nice...
It was better before!
Yes, it was better before... 2023 has been a tough year for many in our industry. It has also been tough for us retailers. I am in very close contact...
It was better before!
Yes, it was better before... 2023 has been a tough year for many in our industry. It has also been tough for us retailers. I am in very close contact...
World Congress of Tattoo and Pigment Research -...
Then it's time for a few lines again. Last time I told my story about tattoo colors and I will continue to talk about tattoo colors this time as well....
World Congress of Tattoo and Pigment Research -...
Then it's time for a few lines again. Last time I told my story about tattoo colors and I will continue to talk about tattoo colors this time as well....